
Showing posts from July, 2015

- GadgTecs The Premier Science & Technology News

GadgTecs The Premier Science & Technology News One of the best science and technology news website, with a fresh graphical user interface (GUI) that is easy on the eyes, black (so less strain), nice fonts and has the latest topics in easy categories. Also have amazingly cheap books for $5 only!

Major Flaw In Android Can Let Hackers In With Just An SMS - GadgTecs

Major Flaw In Android Can Let Hackers In With Just An SMS - GadgTecs Any hacker can send you a text message and get inside your system. This is crazy!

Russia’s Stealthy Fifth Generation Nuclear Bomber in Big Trouble - GadgTecs

Russia’s Stealthy Fifth Generation Nuclear Bomber in Big Trouble - GadgTecs Latest technology news focuses on Kremlin's latest stealth fighter which is not going as planned. Russian military may be sad, especially their airforce! So Air Force, Whats next?

UK Police Admits To Investigating Journalists For Covering Snowden Files - GadgTecs

UK Police Admits To Investigating Journalists For Covering Snowden Files - GadgTecs Is this bad or what?

Google incorporating a truth score; anti-vax & conspiracies to rank lower - GadgTecs

Google will rank the sites such as fox news (liars), anti vaccination people, conspiracy theories such as 9/11 'truthers' very low! This is good, but I have problem with Google becoming the 'truth police!' Google incorporating a truth score; anti-vax & conspiracies to rank lower - GadgTecs