How to Protect Yourself From Ransomware – Everything You Need To Know Technology T he new scam pulled off by hackers is called ransomware and it’s just what it sounds: the hacker uses a malware sent to you via email in order to block you out of your computer, until a certain amount if money is paid. While the thousands of attacks on personal computers only appear in the FBI files , the attacks conducted on public establishments make the headlines. The Congress banned YahooMail, fearing ransomware, while a police department was attacked, along with a church, schools and medical centers. In the latter, the hackers asked for a ransom of $17,000 aka 40 bitcoins, to return the encypted files to the medical center. RELATED: TeslaCrypt Ransomware Creators Giveup The Master Key Hackers are making millions of dollars out of ransomware and according to the forecasts, they are only going to make more in the future, as experts foresee a raise in the number of cyber-attacks. The technology advancements allow hackers to hide themselves while a...