MIT Students Make A Robot That Could Revolutionize Fast Food

MIT Students Make A Robot That Could Revolutionize Fast Food

Tech News

Ingredients, stocked {through the|from the|with the|because of the} Spyce workers {every day|daily|on a daily basis|everyday}, are automatically measured and disbursed {on the|over a|with a|using a} conveyor belt. They are then transported {to 1|to at least one|to a single|to just one} of 4 automated pots that blend and cook {the components|the constituents} all-in-one.

First, you, {the client|the consumer|the buyer|the purchaser}, order {meals|dinner|lunch|an evening meal} using a smartphone app {or even the|or perhaps the|or|and the} touch display next to the machine. The robot currently features only 5 meals: chicken-bacon sweet potato hash, winter veggie mac and cheese, shrimp andouille jambalaya, chickpea coconut curry on couscous and chili-lime beef with sesame rice. Two meals {can be created|can be produced|can be achieved|can be done} at the same time.


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