Advanced Accounting (15th Edition) - Hoyle/Doupnik/Schaefer - PDF

The Advanced Accounting, 15th Edition is designed to help students develop critical thinking skills, which are important for their future jobs and for passing the CPA exam. This book provides a comprehensive look at accounting, covering past issues and current solutions in the field. It shows how financial reporting has changed over time through ongoing discussions, and how it will likely continue to change. People praise this book for being easy to understand, having an interesting and friendly style, and using real-world examples from well-known sources like Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg Businessweek. Furthermore, it includes discussion questions, similar to short case studies, to help students understand complex topics practically and see why certain subjects are very important. The book also has thorough end-of-chapter questions to build key skills in research, analysis, using spreadsheets, and communication. These skills are essential for doing well on the CPA Exam. And through the Connect website, students can access UWorld CPA Review questions, SmartBook, Integrated Excel, and many more helpful materials!

978-1264798483, 978-1266266461, 1266843337, 978-1266410734, 978-1266410734, 978-1266843334, 978-1266843334, 978-1266847639, 978-1266848179, 9781266848179, 978-1266848179, 978-1266848506, 978-1266848773,

IMPORTANT: Please note that this purchase is for the PDF version of the textbook "Advanced Accounting, 15th Edition" only. It does not come with any access codes.


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